Everything digital for those who want to disconnect.

We work with all types of businesses to help build their digital presence across the Hudson Valley and beyond.


Whether it's a new website, updating your existing one or creating a mobile app. We can help you define your goals and deliver the next iteration of your brand.

Digital Marketing

Across email, digital ads and social media, let us help you make thoughtful, targeted outreach to engaged your customers.

and more...

Don't see your project covered here? We offer a full range of digital services across many areas, get in touch and let us learn a little more!

hiraeth (n.) - /hirˌīTH/

Hiraeth is a Welsh word that cannot be directly translated into English. It describes the longing feeling for a place, a person or a time that is no longer attainable or perhaps never existed. It's often compared to a blend of homesickness and nostalgia.

Founded in 2022 by Jamie and Hilary, the hiraeth group was born from the human desire to connect with the places we call home. Jamie grew up in North Wales, Hilary in Minnesota before they eventually moved to NYC in 2017. From 2020 they began spending more time in the Hudson Valley area. While it's not exactly our hometown, it gives us that same feeling. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, our goal is to help you with any digital project your business wants to accomplish. From custom software development to digital marketing, we can help you on your journey.

Let's grow something together.
©2023 the hiraeth group LLC